
Sunday 23 March 2008

Typical Examination Questions based on Element 4 Manual and mechanical handling hazards and control

1. Identify the main items to be checked by the person appointed to have overall control of a lifting operation which is to be carried out with the use of a crane hired for the purpose.
Items such as; the need to carry out an overall assessment of the operation to take account of the ground conditions for the proposed site of the crane and the presence of any overhead obstructions such as power lines; the suitability of the lifting appliance and associated equipment selected with particular reference to their safe working loads; the documentary evidence to prove that the required examinations, inspections and maintenance had been carried out; the competence of all personnel involved in the operation such as the crane driver, slinger and banksmen and their familiarity with the hand signals or other means of communication that were to be used.
2. List the range of defects that might be observed in a wire rope sling during routine inspection prior to use.
Defects such as kinking, broken wires ('needles'), ovalling caused by external wear or stretching, corrosion, damage to thimbles and ferrules, 'birdcaging' and the lack of any identification or indication of the sling's safe working load.
3. Concrete building blocks are to be moved on a construction site. Outline the key issues to be addressed if the blocks are to be moved by mechanical and manual means. Give practical examples within your answer.
A manual handling assessment would have to be carried out to determine if mechanical or manual means were to be used. The assessment would consider the issues relating to the load (number and weight of blocks to be moved), the task (horizontal and vertical distances to be moved), the environment (ground conditions, lighting and space to maneuver), and the individual (physical characteristics and training in manual handling). If the decision was then taken to use mechanical means the key issues include the selection of suitable equipment, the competence of operators, and issues connected with ensuring safe stacking and storage. Provision of adequate access routes that are free from obstruction is an important issue for both manual and mechanical handling
4. Outline the measures required to ensure the safe operation of an inclined hoist used to raise and lower roofing materials.
Measures such as the importance of the hoist being in good state of repair, well maintained and with its controls marked to indicate their functions; inspected when in use by a competent person; positioned on stable ground and erected according to the manufacturers' instructions; protected with barriers at both top and bottom levels; attended at all times whilst in use, with care being taken to ensure that the load was secured and not in excess of the safe working load of the hoist
5. Outline
the factors that might cause a mobile crane to overturn during use.
Factors such as the failure to set the crane on a level footing, siting it on poor and unstable ground and failing to distribute the weight of the crane by providing adequate timber beneath outriggers would be likely to cause it to overturn. Additional factors affecting the stability would be overloading, incorrect slinging resulting in an unstable load, operating when winds are too strong and driver error such as slewing too quickly or causing an abrupt movement of the jib.