
Tuesday 18 March 2008

Typical Examination Questions based on Element 2


Site preparation work involves the removal of topsoil from land known to be contaminated with heavy metals. Outline the specific requirements for this work in relation to: welfare facilities.


Facilities such as a decontamination unit with a dirty area where contaminated clothing can be removed after work, an area with a shower or other means of washing and a clean area where normal clothes can be stored. Additionally, there should be arrangements in place in order to prevent contamination when eating and smoking, and first-aid and emergency decontamination should be made available.


Describe the shape and colours of the following classes of safety sign prescribed by the Health and Safety (Safety Signs and Signals) Regulations 1996.

(i) Prohibition

(ii) Warning

(iii) Mandatory

(iv) Emergency escape / first-aid (2)





  • A round sign with a black pictogram on a white background together with red edging and a diagonal red line.
  • A triangle with black border and orange centre.
  • A blue circle.
  • A green rectangle.


A tank that measures 4 meters long, 3 meters wide and 2 meters deep is to be buried in a
green field site as part of a surface water drainage system.

Outline the principle hazards that should be considered when planning the work.


Hazards such as ground conditions, type of ground, possible presence of contaminants; the excavation work with the risk of collapse of the sides, persons or vehicles falling in, the presence of groundwater, possible flooding; health hazards such as leptospirosis; the lowering of the tank, crane overturning if it is not correctly rated for the job or properly sited; the presence of underground and overhead services


Outline the precautions to be taken before lifting operations are carried out adjacent to high voltage overhead power lines.

To consult the electricity supply company, to make lines dead where possible, goalpost barriers, height restriction placed on vehicles, the use of banksmen, the placing of warning signs and barriers, communication of safety precautions to all involved and to have emergency procedures in place.


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