
Sunday 29 April 2012

Typical Examination Questions based on Element 2 The Health & safety Policy

As the title sugests this post contains example question from element 2 of the NGC1 Management of health & safety certificate,

The Health & safety Policy

  1. Outline the main components of a health and safety management system. (8)

  2. Explain the factors that should be considered when drawing up the arrangements section of a safety policy. (8)

  3. Outline the factors that should be considered when auditing the effectiveness of compliance with an organisation's health and safety policy. (8)

  4. (a) Outline the legal requirements whereby employers must prepare a written statement of their health and safety policy. (2)

  5. (b) Explain the purposes of EACH of the following sections of a health and safety policy document:
    (i) 'statement of intent' (2)
    (ii) 'organisation' (2)
    (iii) 'arrangements' (2)
    (c) Outline the issues that are typically included in the arrangements section of a health and safety policy document. (12).

  6. (a) Identify the typical content of the 'statement of intent' section of an organisation's health and safety document. (2)
    (b) Outline the factors that may indicate that health and safety standards within an organization do not reflect the objectives within the 'statement of intent'. (6)

Element 2 The Health & safety Policy Typical Exam Questions Answers

E2/1 Answers should have included the objectives set out in HSG65.These are:

The safety policy as being a clear statement of intent, setting the main health and safety aims and objectives of the company

The organisation for health and safety to be such as to ensure clear allocation of responsibilities to members of staff with the emphasis on achieving competency, control, communications and consultation.

Planning and implementation to involve risk assessment, the setting of standards and the introduction of appropriate control measures to achieve standards

Measuring performance by proactive and reactive monitoring methods

Review and auditing to check whether what was planned is actually happening and to consider options for improvement, setting new targets where necessary

E2/2 The answer should include factors rather than a list of topics.
For example, type of Organisation, work processes, hazards, format, layout, skill factors and type of workforce. Marks would be awarded for considering content although this is not the main thrust of this question.

E2/3 Factors that could be included are; the quality, availability and understanding by the workforce of the policy; The use of site tours and inspections etc.; the relevance of performance indicators (e.g. accidents/incident rates); the standard and use of training and maintenance along with records; the cross-checking of health and safety arrangements against practical implementation, the standard of conformance with both management and shop floor activities.

(a) The requirements for a safety policy is imposed on employers with 5 or more employees by the Health and safety at Work Act 1974

(b) Statement of intent - demonstrates the organisation's commitment to, and sets objectives for, health and safety

Organisation - identifies health and safety responsibilities and communication channels within the organisation

Arrangements section - details the practical means of achieving the objectives laid down in the policy statement

(c) This section should identify a range of health and safety issues for which arrangements should be in place. For example: Machinery, hazardous substances, manual handling, fire, accident investigation, reporting and control, employee consultation, monitoring arrangements, emergency procedures, risk assessments, maintenance, selection and training of staff etc.

  1. (a) The 'statement of intent' is designed to provide an overview of the general health and safety goals and objectives of an organization. Additionally, it should be signd by the most senior person in the organization to demonstrate management's commitment to achieving the stated objectives.

  2. (b) Answers should include:

    • Failure to communicate the policy to employees
    • A lack of commitment from management
    • A lack of investment in health and safety
    • A poor overall safety culture
    • High accident, incident and ill-health rates
    • Low moralamongst employees
    • High staff turnover
    • Unacceptable rates of absenteeism
    • Unsafe and poorly maintained equipment
    • Inadequate provision of personalprotective equipment
    • The absence of monitoring procedures.

1 comment:

  1. Describing how you will manage health and safety in your business will let your staff and others know about your commitment to health and safety. This will be your health and safety policy. It should clearly say who does what, when and how.

    health and social care courses
