Introduced in 1992, implementing EU H&S directives, and intended to provide a level playing field across Europe. In UK they were already effectively in place under the HSW etc Act 1974.
The six pack are
Thursday, 20 March 2008
Six Pack Regulations
Typical Examination Questions based on Element 3
1. Outline the measures to be taken to prevent falls associated with stairwells and other holes in (8) The provision of guard rails for stairwells and lift shafts, hand rails on stairs, fixing covers over other holes in floors, providing adequate levels of lighting, ensuring a good standard of housekeeping and a high level of supervision and control. 2. Outline the hazards associated with small dumper trucks. (8) Hazards include, amongst others: collisions with pedestrians, other vehicles or structures; overturning due to uneven ground or excavations; falls of materials or persons from truck; contact with moving parts or hot surfaces; and noise and vibration. 3. A significant number of the accidents associated with work on construction sites are associated with plant and vehicle movement. Outline the control measures that should be adopted to prevent such accidents occurring. (8) Control measures such as site planning and maintenance of traffic routes to segregate pedestrians and vehicles; imposing site speed restrictions and preventing unauthorised use or movement of plant; compliance with general safety requirements in respect of all plant and machinery such as the proper selection of equipment, the need to ensure that dangerous parts of machines were properly guarded, and that a regime of planned inspections and maintenance and procedures for reporting defects was put in place and finally ensuring that all operators were competent to perform the tasks allotted to them. 4. Outline a hierarchy of measures to minimize the risks from reversing vehicles on a construction site. (8) One of the first measures is to eliminate or reduce the need for reversing by introducing a one way system and providing turning circles or loading/unloading areas. In circumstances where this might not be possible, it would be necessary to ensure that safe systems of work were in place and followed. Such systems would include the exclusion of pedestrians from site traffic areas, the use of banksmen, the provision of information, instructions and training and the mandatory wearing of hi-visibility clothing. The vehicles would need to be fitted with audible/visual reversing warning devices and features such as CCTV and Fresnel lens and mirrors 5. The Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 require that work equipment used in hostile environments is inspected at suitable intervals. Identify the items on a small dumper truck that should be the subject of such an inspection. (8) Items include the provision and condition of roll over protection and driver restraints (e.g. seat belts); the condition of the bodywork and seats; the condition of the tyres; the effectiveness of the braking system, steering and warning devices; the performance of the bucket release and tilt mechanisms; the integrity of fuel, oil and hydraulic systems and the legibility of labels and signs.
floors during the construction of a multi-storey building.
Element 3 Movement of People and vehicles – Hazards and Control
Element 3 Movement of People and vehicles – Hazards and Control This Element of the NCC1 over how to recognise and control hazards associated with the movement of vehicles and people around a construction site. Movement of People One of the hazards that is associated with the movement of people, is falls and can be caused by trips on uneven surfaces or trips from cables , kerbs, no guard rails on scaffolding or missing / displaced covers over holes along with the human factors of not paying attention, being distracted etc. Provision of proper access and egress from work station, provision of dedicated walkways or routes and good housekeeping can help avoid these. Person being struck by objects can be avoided, again if good housekeeping philosophy is in place along with the correct prevention methods for scaffolding (toe boards, brick screens, nets etc,) storage of material in safe place with correct stacking can also help avoid accidents. A good general site control strategy for the site is required segregating the movement of people and vehicles. Movement of Vehicles The major hazards provided by vehicles on a construction site include, speeding, tipping or toppling over, collisions, which in turn may be caused by having poor roads, bad site lighting and signage, poor maintenance of vehicles and untrained operatives. Suggested control measures include a risk assessment covering the purchase, maintenance and use of site vehicles. A strict traffic management regime which includes speed limit , correctly signed, designated areas for loading and unloading, the use of correctly marked parking areas and encourage people to reverse park. Keeping of a site accident log and publication of the stats can help raise awareness of traffic movement dangers, correct and adequate selection criteria of driver based on competence to carry out the tasks etc. Site vehicles such as dumper truck are one of the main contributing vehicles to site accident often caused by untrained drivers (accidental use of controls), driving too close to edge of excavations. Travelling with high lift skip raised, or driver thrown when travelling over rough ground The law requires that hirers and users of site dumpers both have legal duties to ensure that the equipment should be in a safe condition at all times and the risks are assessed and a safe system of work in place which driver are required to follow , all site workers should be aware of the SSW and follow them Driver protection for site dumpers include rollover bars, seatbelts Site management requires that all vehicles are maintained in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions, site rules which detail the hazards and their control measures. Security of site vehicles when not in use (immobilised) Driver daily checks and safe driving practices. Read the instruction manuals. Understand the difference in braking response of laden and un-laden vehicles, wear appropriate PPE i.e. goggles ear defenders against noise high visibility jackets, keep to designated routes, care when approaching excavations on slopes or embankments, load only at ground level and never travel with a raised load, use correct towing pins and stop and apply park brake before tipping loads. Drivers should never carry passengers, operate the dumper controls unless seated, drive with raised skip, and operate with tyre pressures outside manufactures specifications. Some applicable legislation The New Roads and Streets Works Act (NRSWA) 1991 Code of practice Safety at Street works and Roadwork's Can be viewed here
Tuesday, 18 March 2008
Typical Examination Questions based on Element 2
1 Site preparation work involves the removal of topsoil from land known to be contaminated with heavy metals. Outline the specific requirements for this work in relation to: welfare facilities. 4 Facilities such as a decontamination unit with a dirty area where contaminated clothing can be removed after work, an area with a shower or other means of washing and a clean area where normal clothes can be stored. Additionally, there should be arrangements in place in order to prevent contamination when eating and smoking, and first-aid and emergency decontamination should be made available. 2 Describe the shape and colours of the following classes of safety sign prescribed by the Health and Safety (Safety Signs and Signals) Regulations 1996. (i) Prohibition (ii) Warning (iii) Mandatory (iv) Emergency escape / first-aid (2) 2 2 2 2 3 A tank that measures 4 meters long, 3 meters wide and 2 meters deep is to be buried in a Outline the principle hazards that should be considered when planning the work. 8 Hazards such as ground conditions, type of ground, possible presence of contaminants; the excavation work with the risk of collapse of the sides, persons or vehicles falling in, the presence of groundwater, possible flooding; health hazards such as leptospirosis; the lowering of the tank, crane overturning if it is not correctly rated for the job or properly sited; the presence of underground and overhead services 4 Outline the precautions to be taken before lifting operations are carried out adjacent to high voltage overhead power lines. To consult the electricity supply company, to make lines dead where possible, goalpost barriers, height restriction placed on vehicles, the use of banksmen, the placing of warning signs and barriers, communication of safety precautions to all involved and to have emergency procedures in place. 8
green field site as part of a surface water drainage system.
Saturday, 15 March 2008
Construction Site – Hazards and Control Element 2
This element describes the features and items to identify factors which should be considered when carrying out an initial site assessment.
Identification of site appropriate control measures required when setting up sites, also being able to identify the required welfare facilities.
Initial this to look at before
History of the site, area of the site and any restrictions, the topography and the ground conditions, and other activities on site which may not be construction related,
The nature of the surroundings, the access to the site, any roads, footpaths railways, waterways adjacent properties, i.e. residential, industrial or commercial.
When assessing it is important to consider buried services and or overhead power cables.
The initial site assessment should identify the hazards that require control measures, these controls measure, it should have noticed the requirements for fencing and site security, identified the general risks associated with construction sites therefore the placing of mandatory warnings and general information signs,
The site access and egress means of vehicular access and planning takes place with the implementation of a traffic management system, designated areas for the storage, loading and unloading have been identified taking note of any associated risks that might be present when carrying out lifting operations. Other areas which should be planned at this stage are the services required for the site office and welfare facilities. Security arrangements for plant equipment or any chemicals on site, the storage of flammable liquids and method and strategy for dealing with waste either general of special which arise from the construction activities.
The site security measures that are put in place should take in to consideration of not only the site and equipment stored there but should also consider people outside the site and any possible intentional or unintentional access by third parties.
Welfare faculties should be sited in a suitable place and should consist of latrines, rest area , cloakroom and washing facilities, the actual extent of the welfare facilities in particular the washing would depend on the type of activities, if say the site was a general site with only decorating or shop fitting etc then hand washing facilities might be sufficient whist if the area is an excavation site of contaminated land in might be better served by the provision of showering facilities as well as hand washing etc, Adequate first aid provision must be made
Site rules must be written and form part of any site induction training
All these item and more are required to be considered, identified any implemented when assessing, starting or preparing a construction site.